Potion Finder
What’s your default mode when you’re stressed or pushed to your limit?
Anxious tummy with a sense of foreboding? Settle your bodymind with Fresh Air
Sluggish and overextended? Spark your energy with Summer Crush
Weepy and hopeless? Sweep out the cobwebs and open the curtains with Swimming Hole or Milky Oat Oyxmel
Crunchy, crabby and irritable? Take everything down a few notches with Real Chill
Gloomy and pessimistic? Find some glimmers with Solstice Sparkle
Forgetful and flustered? Sharpen up with Focus Pocus
Looking for something alcohol free? Your options are Milky Oat Oxymel or Solstice Sparkle
Potions Quick Guide
If you are taking prescription medications or have outstanding health concerns, always consult with a clinical herbalist before adding herbs to your routine.
Sediment in your bottle is OK! Make sure to shake well before dispensing
All potions are shelf-stable and will keep for up to 5 years if stored out of direct light and high temperatures; Milky Oat Oxymel and Solstice Sparkle should be refrigerated